Fundraising Gig

A few weeks ago we held our first fundraising event featuring an awesome collection of bands and comedians. On the music side we had Yes/No/Maybe, Mike Kay, The Fox Party, and King Armadillo. On the comedy side, we had John Conway, Neil Sinclair, Dave Quirk, Simon Keck, and our very own Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall on hosting duties. Everyone was absolutely amazing and I definitely recommend you check all these guys out if you haven't seen them before.

Band Rehearsals

I'm very excited right now (even more excited than normal) because tomorrow morning we head into the studio to record the music for Play It Safe! From Play It Safe's inception, music has been a huge part of the film. Nathan began working on ideas for the soundtrack late last year and Mantra came on board early this year. As you can imagine, these songs have had a lot of work put into them and I just can't wait to hear the final products!

Competition: Spot The Reference

In the photos below I can count at least 14 clearly visible references to the local music scene. The first person to guess at least 10 will win a FREE digitial copy of the film once it's finished. Be specific, if it's an album can you name both the artist and album title? If you can guess all 14 then we'll give you an even better prize! (I don't know what it is yet, but I promise it will be good!)

Recording MC Jibber Jabber

A couple of weeks ago we recorded the final version of a song Jamie (Nicholas Kato) and his housemate Jefferson (Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall) make up while drunk one night. The recording session was tons of fun and half the time Nathan, Al, and I were just laughing at how stupid the whole thing is. (Don't worry, it's actually supposed to be stupid.)

Behind The Scenes: Block 03

Sorry for the lack of updates guys, we've been very busy preparing for Block 04 (which we start shooting tomorrow). Here's a few quick stills we took while shooting Block 03:

Behind The Scenes: Day 04 of Block 02

Block 02 of shooting is now officially a wrap. I'm really happy with how everything's been going so far and I can't wait to get to get into the next block. Here's some photos from the last day of block 02:

Behind The Scenes: Day 03 of Block 02

Over the weekend we had days 03 and 04 of block 02 of shooting Play It Safe. The whole weekend went very well and I am very happy with a result. Block 02 is now a wrap, and I'm looking forward to shooting block 03 in another few weeks. Day 03 was based in the Belgium Avenue Neighbourhood House which is a great little community centre in Richmond. Here's some photos from the day:

MC Jibber Jabber

A while back I cast Melbourne comedian Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall in the role of Jefferson, who is the best friend and housemate of the protagonist Jamie. Al is a very funny guy and working with him has been absolutely hilarious. For the last few weeks I've been working with him on a song that Jeff and Jamie will perform (when drunk one night in their living room) late in the film. I'm totally stoked with how the track is turning out and I can't way to record the final version. I don't want to give away too much info about the song just yet, but for now here are a few photos of Al in action:

Behind The Scenes: Day 01 & 02 of Block 02

We just wrapped up day 01 and 02 of shooting block 02. Everyone put in a stellar effort, and I'm super happy with the footage we got. The actors put in great performances, and I've got to give a special shout out to all the extras who came out to be in the movie (and an extra special shout out to our boom op Tom Campbell and our production manager Shannon who also sat in for a bit).

Behind The Scenes: Day 03 & 04 of Block 01

Last weekend we wrapped up the first four days of shooting Play It Safe. The first block of shooting went very well, and I couldn't be happier with the footage! After a year and a half of development, it's really surreal to be finally shooting this film, and it's so crazy that I can now watch footage from the movie on my computer!