Behind The Scenes: Day 03 & 04 of Block 01

Last weekend we wrapped up the first four days of shooting Play It Safe. The first block of shooting went very well, and I couldn't be happier with the footage! After a year and a half of development, it's really surreal to be finally shooting this film, and it's so crazy that I can now watch footage from the movie on my computer!

Thanks again to the entire cast and crew for all their work so far. Everyone put in a tremendous effort over the first four days and I am very very grateful!

Alrighty, without further ado, here are some behind the scenes pics from days 03 and 04 of production:

By some strange twist of fate, Spencer managed to bruise both sides of his face on Day 04, and we had to cover up the marks with makeup. I kid you not, but he actually did it playing around with a cup! It was the strangest need for makeup I've encountered on set so far!

While we were on set we also took the opportunity to record one of the piano parts that will be featured in the movie. Our composer, Nathan Liow, will be playing all the music for the main character, and Nath did an amazing job. We've got something very special here and I'm really excited to include it in the film.

Thanks again to everyone involved in the production so far, I can't thank you guys enough!

Chris Pahlow

Chris Pahlow is an independent writer/director currently in post-production on his debut feature film PLAY IT SAFE. Chris has been fascinated with storytelling since he first earned his pen license and he’s spent the last ten years bringing stories to life through music videos, documentaries, and short films.