Chris Pahlow

Behind the Scenes with Mantra

Check out our latest behind the scenes video with the super talented hip-hop artist and all around good guy Mantra. This is our most extensive video update yet, and Mantra takes us through the process of creating some of Play It Safe's original music, the relationship between improvised music and acting, as well as the music video for his track "The Fear" which was created by the core creative team behind Play It Safe.

Behind the Scenes with Christine Lui

Today, we are very excited to release our fourth behind the scenes video, this time with the super talented Christine Lui.

Play It Safe - Trailer

This week has been incredibly exciting for the whole Play It Safe team as after almost four years of hard work the trailer is now online! It's a massive milestone for all of us, and it feels amazing to finally be able to share what we've been working on so hard for so long.

Behind The Scenes: Blocks 11 and 12

Hey guys, time to take another walk down memory lane (well overdue as usual I'm afraid). We finished up principle photography back in March 2013, which feels like an eternity ago now. The last two days were incredibly challenging, but they were also incredibly memorable. Here's some BTS pics and some reminiscences.

Play It Safe - Picture Lock

This week we hit a massive milestone: Play It Safe is officially picture locked! After about a year and half of editing (and three and a half years since I first started the project) I now have a final edit sitting on my computer!

Mantra – The Fear: Behind The Scenes (Part 2)

As promised, here's my second post looking behind the scenes on my recent video for Mantra's "The Fear". If you haven't already, check out the first post here which takes a look at the clip's development and first day of shooting.

Mantra - The Fear: Behind The Scenes (Part 1)

A few weeks back we launched the video for Mantra's latest single The Fear (check it out here if you haven't already). Mantra not only acts in Play It Safe, but has also put a lot of work into the film's soundtrack, so it was a real pleasure to be able to continue collaborating with him. A lot of Play It Safe's core creative team (including DP Sherwin Akbarzadeh and editor Raechel Harding) also came on board with this video, so it was very much a family affair which was great.

Play It Safe - Video Update #2

Hey guys, massive apologies for the big delay in updates. At long last we have another video update online! We actually shot this several months back, but all the info is still legit so check it out here if you have a few spare minutes...

Behind The Scenes: Blocks 09 and 10

Hey guys, I thought it was high time for another quick update on how Play It Safe is coming along. Post production is going very well, and we screened the entire film for some of our core crew members for the first time a few weeks ago. Not only was is very rewarding to be able to show the guys what they've been working so hard on for so long, but it was amazing to get their feedback on how the edit is coming along. Right now, Raechel and I are working hard on our third cut of the film and we'll be testing it on some real audience members (i.e. people who weren't involved in the film's production) for the very first time within the next two weeks!

What To Do When You Can't Get A Good Take

This is a director’s nightmare: Everyone’s in position, the cameras are rolling, but something’s not quite right. You’ve been shooting the same scene for what feels like an eternity and no matter what you do, the actors’ performances are just not getting any better.