Jeremy Hopkins

Behind the Scenes with Mantra

Check out our latest behind the scenes video with the super talented hip-hop artist and all around good guy Mantra. This is our most extensive video update yet, and Mantra takes us through the process of creating some of Play It Safe's original music, the relationship between improvised music and acting, as well as the music video for his track "The Fear" which was created by the core creative team behind Play It Safe.

Play It Safe - Trailer

This week has been incredibly exciting for the whole Play It Safe team as after almost four years of hard work the trailer is now online! It's a massive milestone for all of us, and it feels amazing to finally be able to share what we've been working on so hard for so long.

Behind The Scenes: Blocks 11 and 12

Hey guys, time to take another walk down memory lane (well overdue as usual I'm afraid). We finished up principle photography back in March 2013, which feels like an eternity ago now. The last two days were incredibly challenging, but they were also incredibly memorable. Here's some BTS pics and some reminiscences.

Behind The Scenes: Block 08

Apologies (again) for the lack of updates folks. Raechel and I are still busily working away at the edit, and on Thursday night we'll be holding our first review screening of the film's first act with some of the key members of the creative team. More news about that should hopefully be coming later this week. In the meanwhile, let's get back to our retrospective behind the scenes coverage.

Behind The Scenes: Block 07

Back in early February we had what was almost certainly the challenging and intense weekend of shooting of Play It Safe's entire production. The scenes we shot are from the very end of Play It Safe's first act, where (the protagonist) Jamie's band has their final gig. We had a massive amount of coverage to get, there were three different musical acts to film, three dialogue scenes, a buttload of extras to manage, and to make matters worse we were forced to find a new location only two days before the shoot! I can safely say that this weekend was definitely the most stressful one I have ever encountered.

Play It Safe - Video Update #1

At long last, it is my great pleasure to show you the very first snippets of footage from Play It Safe!

Recording The Band

On Sunday we hit Blank Tape Studios to record a bunch of music for Play It Safe! I'm listening to the tracks right now, and I have to say that it's a very surreal experience! I've been talking to Nathan and Oscar about these songs for more than a year now and to finally have them sitting on my computer is just incredible.

Band Rehearsals

I'm very excited right now (even more excited than normal) because tomorrow morning we head into the studio to record the music for Play It Safe! From Play It Safe's inception, music has been a huge part of the film. Nathan began working on ideas for the soundtrack late last year and Mantra came on board early this year. As you can imagine, these songs have had a lot of work put into them and I just can't wait to hear the final products!