Behind The Scenes: Day 01 & 02 of Block 02

We just wrapped up day 01 and 02 of shooting block 02. Everyone put in a stellar effort, and I'm super happy with the footage we got. The actors put in great performances, and I've got to give a special shout out to all the extras who came out to be in the movie (and an extra special shout out to our boom op Tom Campbell and our production manager Shannon who also sat in for a bit).

Making this film has been incredibly challenging, but days like the last two are really what make it worth it. I had an absolute blast working with the actors, and sitting at the computer watching footage at the end of the day feels pretty incredible. I still get the urge to just shout "OH MY GOD WE'RE MAKING A MOVIE!!!!!!!"

And without further ado, here are some photos from the weekend:

Chris Pahlow

Chris Pahlow is an independent writer/director currently in post-production on his debut feature film PLAY IT SAFE. Chris has been fascinated with storytelling since he first earned his pen license and he’s spent the last ten years bringing stories to life through music videos, documentaries, and short films.