Band Rehearsals

I'm very excited right now (even more excited than normal) because tomorrow morning we head into the studio to record the music for Play It Safe! From Play It Safe's inception, music has been a huge part of the film. Nathan began working on ideas for the soundtrack late last year and Mantra came on board early this year. As you can imagine, these songs have had a lot of work put into them and I just can't wait to hear the final products!

The crew have been rehearsing for the last couple of weeks and things are already sounding great! The band consists of our composer Nathan Liow on keys, Alex Yeap on bass, and Mantra & Jeremy Hopkins who will both actually apear in the movie as well.

Here are a few photos from our last few rehearsals. I'll be sure to post some behind the scenes pics from the recording studio ASAP.

Chris Pahlow

Chris Pahlow is an independent writer/director currently in post-production on his debut feature film PLAY IT SAFE. Chris has been fascinated with storytelling since he first earned his pen license and he’s spent the last ten years bringing stories to life through music videos, documentaries, and short films.