Spacecadet Lullabies

Behind The Scenes: Block 08

Apologies (again) for the lack of updates folks. Raechel and I are still busily working away at the edit, and on Thursday night we'll be holding our first review screening of the film's first act with some of the key members of the creative team. More news about that should hopefully be coming later this week. In the meanwhile, let's get back to our retrospective behind the scenes coverage.

Behind The Scenes: Block 07

Back in early February we had what was almost certainly the challenging and intense weekend of shooting of Play It Safe's entire production. The scenes we shot are from the very end of Play It Safe's first act, where (the protagonist) Jamie's band has their final gig. We had a massive amount of coverage to get, there were three different musical acts to film, three dialogue scenes, a buttload of extras to manage, and to make matters worse we were forced to find a new location only two days before the shoot! I can safely say that this weekend was definitely the most stressful one I have ever encountered.